的成员 韦德体育app官网威廉博蒙特医学院的 2020届毕业生 获得了2020年美国公共卫生卓越奖.S. 公共卫生服务医师专业咨询委员会.
Aniela Sosnowski
Aniela Sosnowski, 2020届毕业生, OUWB, (left), 获得了2020年美国公共卫生卓越奖.S. 公共卫生服务医师专业咨询委员会.

的成员 韦德体育app官网威廉博蒙特医学院的 2020届毕业生 获得了2020年美国公共卫生卓越奖.S. 公共卫生服务医师专业咨询委员会.

Aniela Sosnowski is the recipient after being nominated for her service to the community throughout her four years at OUWB.

在OUWB就读期间, she has volunteered at ADA Camp Midicha for children living with diabetes, 希望成人庇护所, 快乐期.

“We have been tremendously impressed with Aniela’s commitment to providing care for the neediest members of our community,” said 罗伯特Noiva, Ph.D.他是研究生院副院长 & 社区 Integration and 副教授 in the Department of Foundational 医疗 Studies, OUWB. Noiva提名Sosnowski获得该奖项.

“作为一名实习医生, 她慷慨地奉献自己的时间和才能为他人服务,诺伊娃继续说. “She has consistently sought out opportunities to address some of the often- overlooked disparities in services provided to the poor and homeless.”

该奖项传统上是在OUWB荣誉大会上宣布的, 这是2020年因COVID-19大流行而取消的几项活动之一.

Nonetheless, Sosnowski said she was surprised to learn she was this year’s recipient.

“I was kind of taken by surprise that people actually recognized I was doing all of these things because for me it was just a lot of personal excitement and personal fulfillment,”她说。.


Sosnowski, 纽约本地人, 她在密歇根大学获得了本科学位. She has matched in obstetrics-gynecology at Zucker School of Medicine, Hofstra/Northwell in New York.

Her journey to become a doctor essentially began when she broke a finger playing basketball in high school. Sosnowski said that’s when she developed an especially keen interest in the human body as she was treated by physicians.

“I was like ‘This is something I want to pursue and something that I could do for the rest of my life,’”她说。.

OUWB was especially appealing to Sosnowski because of emphasis on humanism in health care.

She said she loved telling people that at OUWB she was “not only learning how to be a doctor, but learning all these other social and humanistic traits that are going to help me be a strong doctor.”


“I’d reach out to professors or doctors and say ‘Hey, do you have any volunteer experiences for me?’”索斯诺斯基说. “每个人都愿意与学生分享这些机会.”


这是她在OUWB的早期经历, Sosnowski became involved at American Diabetes Association's Camp Midicha, 芬顿法, 位于密歇根州的ADA营地是美国同类营地中规模最大的.S.,并与OUWB建立了长期合作关系.

她在夏令营做了三个暑假的志愿者, during which she was primarily responsible for the diabetes management of a cabin of 10-15 children.

她通过在营地履行职责来学习, but valued most her opportunity to have intimate conversations with campers and their family members, 了解他们与糖尿病的生活经历,“公共卫生奖”的提名表格上写道.

Sosnowski took the Camp Midicha experience further by conducting a research project to study and improve camp experiences for pediatric campers with diabetes. The information was presented during the American Diabetes Association's (ADA's) 第79届科学会议 2019年6月7日至11日在旧金山举行. 近15,000名主治医生, 科学家们, health care professionals and industry representatives from around the world attended the event.


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在OUWB就读期间, Sosnowski also volunteered at 希望成人庇护所 in Pontiac. 除此之外, she examined patients and determined if they needed additional care in an emergency setting. The nomination for the Public Health Award indicates Sosnowski’s “level of commitment to shelter guests has been noted by shelter staff and OUWB faculty.”

进一步, Sosnowski是Happy Period的形象大使, a national organization that strives to provide women who are homeless with feminine hygiene products. The mission was important to her because she identified the need via her experiences with guests at 希望成人庇护所. 除此之外, 她申请了助学金, collected donations of feminine hygiene products that were then packaged and 分发d to the community.

Sosnowski said her volunteer experiences in the public health sector will translate to her being a better doctor. She said it was important to note those who she said had an important role in her success: James Franklin, Ph.D.心理学家、公开大学咨询中心培训主任; 杰森沃瑟曼, Ph.D., 副教授, Department of Foundational 医疗 Studies and Department of Pediatrics; Lowell Schmeltz, M.D., FACE, 副教授 and chairman of Camp Midicha; and Mary Ann Ryan, 希望成人收容所的一名护士.

“作为一名医生, you have to be ready to have all different types of social interactions — you have to put yourself in a position where you’re going to meet people who you might not share any background with, 无论是同一场比赛, 同样的宗教, 或者相同的社会经济地位,索斯诺斯基说. “You have to learn how to make that quick connection to make sure that they trust you — and that’s something I’ve definitely learned how to do during this time.”

Noiva also credited Sosnowski for demonstrating leadership skills and serving as a role model in encouraging others to join her in her efforts. 

“最重要的是, 她为病人提供最高级别的关怀, 不管他们的经济或社会环境如何,他说.

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护)

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