Lemley, who has seven degrees including a master’s degree in library/information science (MLIS) and a doctorate in jurisprudence (J.D.),于9月1日加入OUWB. 1.

韦德体育app官网威廉博蒙特医学院 recently welcomed a new director for its medical library — Trey Lemley.

Lemley, who has seven degrees including a master’s degree in library/information science (MLIS) and a doctorate in jurisprudence (J.D.),于9月1日加入OUWB. 1.

在这个角色中, Lemley is responsible for the operation of library services for medical school students, 教师, 和工作人员, as well as continued development and oversight of the medical library program.

He’s looking forward to making a difference in the OUWB community.

“I hope that in a year people say that I’m very effective in my role, 并表现出出色的领导能力,他说.

Based on what the OUWB community has shown him so far, he says, Lemley fully expects to thrive.

“每个人都很可爱,”他说. “非常善良、有教养、乐于助人.”

道格·古尔德博士.D., 教授兼主席, 基础医学研究系, says Lemley “is an ideal candidate to build our 医学图书馆 Program,

“He has a rich and diverse academic background and a wealth of experience at a well-established medical school,古尔德说。. 在和他聊天时, folks will immediately recognize his professional and thoughtful demeanor — he is an excellent fit for OUWB.”


Lemley was born in Alabama, but his family frequently moved when he was younger.

When he was six years old, for example, they moved to Liberia, on the west African coast.

他的父亲为利比里亚矿业公司经营铁路.该公司是共和钢铁公司的子公司. They lived in Bomi Hills, which at the time was the largest iron ore mine on the African continent. When his father wrote a book about alleged government corruption, the family had to leave.

After a brief period in Atlanta, the family ended up in Indiana when he was nine years old.

Throughout it all, there was one constant that remains to this day: A love of learning.

莱姆利毕业于德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校, 印第安纳大学布卢明顿分校, 以及路易斯维尔大学. 他有历史学学士学位, 政治科学, 和心理学, 图书馆/信息科学硕士学位, 音乐(管风琴演奏), 政治科学, a doctorate in jurisprudence from the 印第安纳大学布卢明顿分校 School of Law.

“I like to say I have more degrees than a thermometer and the student loan debt to prove it,他笑着说.

Lemley says he pursued the various degrees largely based on his personal interests in a wide variety of topics.

However, it was the MLIS that he says brought them all together.

“当我10岁的时候, instead of playing sports I would go to the library and peruse books,他说. “当我长大了, I realized that I spent so much of my life in libraries that maybe I should work in one.”

Lemley says he enjoys working in the library setting primarily because he likes helping students, 和教职员工一起工作. 同时, 他总是在学习新东西, especially with regard to the continual evolution of the way people access library content.



加入OUWB之前, Lemley was at the University of South Alabama Biomedical 图书馆, where he most recently served as head of Reference and Collection Development.

He started at the University of South Alabama in 2006 as a reference and research librarian at the assistant librarian rank and was granted tenure and promoted to associate librarian in 2012 and senior librarian in 2017.


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Throughout his 16-year career at the University of South Alabama, Lemley published extensively in peer-reviewed journals and textbooks. Among the proudest moments of his career, in fact, is co-authoring a paper published in the 学术图书馆学报 that examined if students study better in silence or with varying degrees of noise.

“When you have a paper that’s accepted by a leading journal like that it’s very exciting,莱姆利说。.

Lemley also has been very active in service to numerous library organizations at the national, 区域, 以及地方层面, 以及南阿拉巴马大学, 和手机, 整个阿拉巴马州社区.

He helped to develop the role of the embedded librarian in various nursing classes and served as a liaison to different departments in the College of Allied Health of the University of South Alabama. He has been active in supporting the research needs both of 教师 and students in the health sciences.

除了他在学术图书馆的工作, Lemley是一名职业音乐家, most recently serving as the director of music for the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Mobile. He was an adjunct instructor of 政治科学/criminal justice at the University of South Alabama, 他在那里教授国际法的高级课程, 他是乔治亚州律师协会的成员.

There are a few other things Lemley says he wants people to know about him.

“I think I’m very approachable, try to be friendly…and just try to be a good person,他说.

He’s also “just very intellectually curious and always seeking out new experiences.”

“That’s a big part of the reason why I gave up a comfortable life in Alabama and moved 1,千里之外,他笑着说.

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护).

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