An image of 家庭 taking part in a TBL session
OUWB 2026届学生的家庭成员参加了一个模拟的团队学习会议.

As OUWB’s Class of 2026 began its week of orientation, 父母, 家庭, 朋友们体验了一个小样本,看看未来的医生在医学院会是什么样子.


During the event, 100多名观众了解了奖学金的机会, took part in a team-based learning activity, saw how medical students work with standardized patients, were educated about OUWB’s new body donor program. Campus tours also were available.

Based on a “mini-medical school” concept, 这是自2019年以来,公开商学院学生的朋友和亲人第一次有机会参加这样的项目. 由于全球大流行,该计划在过去两年未能实施.

“开设这个项目的首要原因是提供有关医学院学生将要做什么的信息,” said Jordan Nash, development associate, OUWB. “另一个重要部分是帮助了解家长在学生的医学院学习过程中做了什么.”

父母 like James Karsten, father of Joel Karsten, of Grand Rapids, said they found the event "very helpful."

"It was inviting, welcoming, reassuring," he said. “我们知道我们的儿子来到这里有多难,搬到这里有多难...it's nice to think there's a team here who really gets that."

'The journey is just beginning'

Duane Mezwa, M.D.牛津大学商学院院长斯蒂芬·沙夫·迪恩(Stephan Sharf Dean)首先欢迎了这些家庭成员.

你们的儿女走过了漫长的道路,但旅程才刚刚开始. There’s still a long way to go,他说. “But without your help, they never would have made it to this point. I appreciate how much you did to help get them here.”


他说,它的目的是“让你深入了解你的学生在未来四年的医学教育过程中可以期待什么。, how you, their family, can really support them during that time.”

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多样性 & 包容强调了新OUWB班级的包容和团结的重要性


Watch: OUWB Class of 2026 White Coat Ceremony

Following Mezwa’s welcome, 两位资深的管理人员就基于团队的学习(TBL)——OUWB课程的一个重要组成部分——发表了引人入胜且内容丰富的演讲.

It was presented by Bob Noiva, Ph.D., associate dean, Graduate Studies and 社区 Integration, associate professor, Department of Foundational 医疗 Studies, David Thomas, Ph.D., associate dean, Preclinical 教育, associate professor, Department of Foundational 医疗 Studies.

Essentially, 观众们被提出了一个假想的问题——修理一辆汽车——并被要求诊断问题并提出解决方案. 他们被要求单独这样做,然后作为一个小组来演示, among other things, how working as a team yields better results.

“This is to show the power of teams, which is essential in health care because you depend on others,他说. “这就是为什么你会被推荐给一个可能是某个领域专家的医生,或者他们会让你去做实验室测试……你必须成为团队的一员。.”

Noiva explained that, in many ways, competition has been bred in students and “that has got to go away.”

“So we use this technique to get them working as a team,他说.

Nelia Afonso, M.D., assistant dean, 社区 Integration & Outreach, provided family members with a glimpse into OUWB’s Art & 医学实践(APM)和医学生如何学习治疗病人.

“我们从第一学期就开始学习很多基本技能……沟通, physical exams, clinical reasoning, learning how to work as team,”她说。.


An image of a parent with a standardized patient
A family member practices on one of OUWB's standardized patients.

随后,一个示范使用了几个OUWB的标准化病人——专业人员经过培训,表现得好像他们有特定的条件和个性,以帮助未来的医生为不同的情况做好准备. 几名志愿者走上前去做模拟评估和/或使用听诊器.


她解释说,学生事务处是“在学业上支持你的学生的团队”, with career development, 健康, 还有很多其他的事情从现在开始直到他们走上毕业典礼的舞台.”



The next presenters were Malli Barremkala, M.D., associate professor, Department of Foundational 医疗 Studies, director of OUWB’s new body donation program, Vern Pixley, president of Rochester-based Pixley Funeral Home.

Barremkala帮助家庭成员更多地了解捐赠者,这些捐赠者将让医科学生学习解剖学和组织学. Pixley谈到了他的公司是如何在当地的一个墓地捐赠空间来放置捐赠者的遗体的.

'My promise to you'

会议在慈善总监Claus Weimann和Nash的评论中结束.

魏曼向听众介绍了近年来OUWB奖学金的增加, but stressed “we still have a lot of work to do.”

He emphasized that, “I’m here really to serve, together with Jordan, your children and family members.”




欲了解更多信息,请联系Andrew Dietderich,营销作家,OUWB,在 [email protected].

To request an interview, visit the OUWB Communications & 市场营销 网页.

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