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E-Learning and Instructional Support.

Kresge 图书馆, Room 430
100 图书馆 Drive
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4479
Office and Virtual Help: (248) 805-1625

E-Learning and Instructional Support.

Kresge 图书馆, Room 430
100 图书馆 Drive
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4479
Office and Virtual Help: (248) 805-1625

Dance Education Certificates

School of Music, Theatre and Dance

The certificate in Dance Education is for students with a bachelor’s degree in dance or education to become qualified to teach dance in K-12 schools. The certificate has three tracks, ranging from 15-26 credits, and is provided completely online. The certificate was created in collaboration with the National Dance Education Organization (NDEO) and the Detroit Public School District to ensure it meets the needs of educational systems and meets the quality of dance standards and expectations of the NDEO.

Certificates available:

  • Traditional Certificate in Dance Education - For current OU students pursuing a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance. Also available to current dance majors from other universities. (26学分)
  • Alternate Certification in Dance Education - For candidates who have completed a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Fine Arts in dance, who are currently placed in a full-time position at a K-12 school and need an alternative certification as 定义 by Michigan Department of Education. (16学分)
  • Certificate in Dance Education - For K-12 educators with a degree in any content area, 除了跳舞, who would like to earn an extra endorsement. (15学分)

交付类型: 100%的在线

Credit required/Time to completion: 15 to 26 credits

Cost of degree: 学费利率

Who should apply: Current dance students or those currently in K-12 education, who are interested in learning to teach dance to elementary, middle and secondary students.

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*Data was last reviewed in February 2024. Projections may not reflect local and/or short-term economic or job conditions and do not guarantee actual job growth.