

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482



理由是:  出售, 服务, 和 消费 of alcoholic beverages (1) on the 韦德体育app官网 campus, (2)参加校外活动, 受密歇根法律管辖吗, 韦德体育app官网条例, 以及韦德体育app官网董事会的政策.  以下是这些文件的摘要.  Specific questions should be directed to the Office of the Board of Trustees.  This policy was first adopted on January 16, 1985 和 was amended on May 15, 2002.


I. 在梅多布鲁克大厅提供酒精饮料, Shotwell-Gustafson Pavilion和Katke-Cousins高尔夫球场.

  1. 密歇根州酒类控制委员会以董事会的名义向韦德体育app官网颁发了C级会议中心酒类许可证,供其在梅多布鲁克大厅使用, Shotwell-Gustafson展馆和Katke Cousins高尔夫球场, 包括丹尼小屋和俱乐部会所(“地点”). This license permits the 服务 和 sale of alcoholic beverages at regularly scheduled activities at these Locations.

  2. All alcoholic beverages served at the Locations must be purchased from the Hall.

  3. 希望在校园提供或销售酒精饮料的组织或个人可以在大厅或展馆安排他们的活动.

II. Service of alcoholic beverages at the Meadow Brook Music Festival grounds.


3. 在校园其他地点提供酒精饮料服务.

  1. The University recognizes the occasional need to permit the limited 服务 or sale of alcoholic beverages, 与项目相结合, 在上述地点以外的地点, 依法办事. 国家法律允许由酒类管制委员会颁发在国家财产上消费含酒精饮料的特别许可证(24),但许可证须经有关国家财产的管理机构批准. 密歇根州酒管制法的规章制度规定,五种特殊的(24小时)酒许可证可以发给非营利组织, 宗教, 异卵, 公历年中公民或爱国组织. 校董会, 因此, authorizes limited 服务 和 sale of alcoholic beverages 依法办事, 在下列条件下:

韦德体育app官网 may be entitled under the law to five (5) special (24 hour) licenses per calendar year. 以大学名义使用特别许可证的请求应向有关副校长提出,并必须得到该副校长和校长或大学(“校长”)的批准。, 并遵守本政策的要求.

The 韦德体育app官网 Foundation may be entitled under the law to five special (24 hour) licenses per year, 和, 作为一个独立的法律实体, 可以独立申请特殊许可证吗. The Foundation may designate a University official to apply for a special license on behalf of the Foundation. 当以基金会的名义授予许可时, 本基金会应办理酒事故保险. 在任何涉及使用大学财产的情况下, 这项申请必须得到总统的批准.

梅多布鲁克表演艺术公司, 作为一个独立的法律实体, may be entitled under the law to five special (24 hour) licenses per calendar year. The Company may request University authorization to serve or sell alcoholic beverages at five events during the year. 梅多布鲁克表演艺术公司 must receive the approval of the President before applying for any license.

某些在法律上与大学分离的其他校内和校外实体可能有资格依法获得酒类管制委员会颁发的特别许可证. 应书面要求, 当校长认为在大学财产上举行此类活动有助于大学主要业务的发展时,校长可以批准此类活动. 批准应当采用书面形式, 应明确遵守本政策, 和 delivery of the approval shall be accompanied by a copy of this policy. The approval shall be contingent upon (1) the issuance of a special license, (2)提供令大学风险管理人员满意的活动酒精服务保险证明.

批准任何事件请求时, 主席应批准活动地点, 酒水服务将严格限制在那个地方.

  1. In order to comply with the law 和 maintain the integrity of the institution, it has been determined that special (24 hour) licenses should be limited as set forth above. The University shall not be responsible for any action of the Liquor Control Commission to deny any application for a license.
IV. 关于特殊(24小时)许可证的程序.

  1. After an organization receives University approval to serve or sell alcoholic beverages, a special (24 hour) liquor license must be obtained from the Michigan Liquor Control Commission.

  2. Persons or organizations making application for special liquor licenses are responsible for obtaining all necessary approvals, 缴纳所有规定的保证金, 和 paying all required license fees associated with the issuance of special liquor licenses.

  3. 根据颁发的特殊酒类许可证,所有在校园内提供或销售的酒精饮料必须依法购买.

  4. Each organization receiving approval of a special license must comply with State law 和 all University rules 和 regulations.
V. 校园私人住宅.

(1)在大学住宿设施(包括房间)的私人区域内合法拥有和使用此类饮料, 套房, 公寓, 和 the private lounge provided to 梅多布鲁克剧院 actors as part of their residence arrangement; 和 (2) in private homes 和 on residential leaseholds. This provision does not permit the sale of alcoholic beverages in these areas.

VI. 在校外提供或销售酒精饮料

除非活动是依法进行的,否则禁止在校外活动中提供或销售酒精饮料. 如果活动不发生在正规许可的设施, 总统的书面批准, 或者指定人员, 在进行活动之前需要做什么. 如果活动不发生在正规许可的设施, 而且活动和酒水服务都要收费, then a special (24 hour) license is required in accordance with the provisions of this policy, 和 the approval of the President shall be contingent upon issuance of a license.

7. 保单期限. 

  1. This policy is revocable at any time at the discretion of the Board of Trustees. 如果董事会认为为了保护机构免于承担责任,有必要,董事会授权主席暂停该政策的实施. 在撤销或暂停行动之前批准的事件, 和 not made specifically subject to the revocation or suspension provisions, 可以按照这个政策和法律进行吗. During the period of revocation or suspension, no additional licenses will be authorized. 所有暂停将在暂停后的下一次定期会议上向董事会报告,并说明采取行动的理由.

  2. The Board or the President has the authority to revoke any previously authorized licensed event prior to its occupancy, 即使酒品管制委员会颁发了许可证, 如果董事会或校长认为该活动不能按照大学的规章制度进行, 或者法律, 或者这样的事件是否会给机构带来潜在的责任.

  3. 所有授权将根据A段和B段中规定的条件发出,以便通知各方大学保留这些权利. 该授权将包括一项条件,规定当董事会或校长为大学的利益行事时,大学将不负责根据这些条款产生的任何费用. 

  4. Annual reports will be made to the Board regarding the activities authorized under this policy.
8. 授权审批.

  1. The President may designate in writing another person to act under this policy. 在总统缺席或丧失行为能力的情况下, the person generally acting in the President's stead shall be deemed to have approval authority.

非法使用酒精饮料. 一般占有有以下规定, 消费, 以及在校园里分发酒精饮料. 与本规定不相抵触的补充规则和条例可由主席或其指定人员颁布, 或者校长可以限制在校园内使用酒精饮料,因为校长认为这符合大学社区的安全和福利的最佳利益. 

  1. A person who is less than 21 years of age shall not 拥有 or consume any alcoholic beverage on the campus.

  2. No person shall provide any alcoholic beverage to another person on campus who is less than 21 years of age.

  3. 任何人不得食用, 拥有, or distribute any alcoholic beverage on the campus except as established by this section. The lawful 拥有ion 和 lawful 和 responsible use of alcoholic beverages shall be permitted: 
  1. 在校园内的私人住宅和租赁物业;

  2. 在大学住房设施的私人区域,包括房间, 套房, 公寓, 和 the private lounge provided to 梅多布鲁克剧院 actors as part of their residence arrangement;

  3. during scheduled 和 university-approved activities at campus facilities that are regularly licensed for alcoholic beverage use, 根据适用于这些设施的规则;

  4. 在其他地点的活动期间,经主席或主席指定人员书面明确批准在活动中使用酒精饮料, 当特殊酒类许可证在该地点生效时.

The use of alcoholic beverages shall not be deemed to be responsible if it causes material impairment of the senses, 使用者的判断或身体能力,或造成使用者产生干扰,干扰校园的正常和不间断使用.

  1. 一个人在校园内醉酒,并采取直接危及他人或财产的健康或安全的行为,或造成干扰校园正常不间断使用的干扰,应视为轻罪.


Alcoholic beverages may not be charged to university general fund accounts. 有时,在招待大学客人或举办与大学有关的团体活动时,提供酒精饮料可能是合适的. In such instances a general fund account may not be charged; only other (e.g. 可以使用指定的资金. Approval of the expense must be obtained from a member of the Executive group (or another person so authorized by the President). The ban applies to non-general fund accounts which preclude such expenditures because of donor or grant restrictions; 和 to events which receive direct general fund support. 此政策适用于校内和校外活动.

Authorized purchases of alcoholic beverages may be reimbursed by use of direct payment vouchers; however, purchases over $100 must be initiated by submitting a purchase requisition to the Purchasing Department. 




