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罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4454
(248) 370-4455
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4454
(248) 370-4455
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.


Local High School Students and Parents participate in a Scholarship Workshop
Local High School Students and Parents in a scholarship Workshop
Local High School Students and Parents in a scholarship Workshop

在周六, 10月22日, 2022, 最近,一个由45名高中生和他们的父母组成的小组参观了韦德体育app官网,参加了一个研讨会,重点是为大学做好准备,并成功地解决高等教育的财务问题.

The 密歇根 Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness (MI GEARUP) 奖学金工作坊带来了th – 12th grade students from Oak Park High School, 庞蒂亚克高中, International Technology Academy and other Oakland County schools to campus, 在那里,他们参加了由韦德体育app官网校友、底特律本地人格温·托马斯领导的研讨会.

托马斯。, an education advocate and author of the book “The Parent’s Smart Guide to Sending Your Kids to College Without Going Broke”, covered a variety of topics including: winning scholarships, 写论文, 贷款, 职业生涯, FAFSA, educational global competitiveness and more.

工作坊期间, the group was provided with three scholarship opportunities.  学生们受到了老师的鼓励. 托马斯看到了第一个奖学金,并开始在网上完成申请. The event was sponsored by 预科项目, 项目上界, 庞蒂亚克城, 以及庞蒂亚克承诺地带. 该活动是与韦德体育app官网的MI GEAR UP倡议合作举办的. MI GEAR UP为橡树公园和庞蒂亚克学区的高中生提供各种学术和社会服务. 学生从九年级到大学一年级接受学术和社会项目.

托马斯。 他说:“我非常自豪地看到韦德体育app官网参与了GEARUP项目. It gives young people a hand up; it gives them some direction. 通常, 这些学生是他们家庭中第一个接受高等教育的学生.”

Parents and students stated, “the presenter provided helpful information.” Participants also stated the information shared was, "为大学的开始提供了很好的信息"而且所提供的信息"信息量很大.”

At the conclusion of the 车间, 特蕾莎修女的. Rodges, 韦德体育app官网社区服务和大学预科项目高级主管, 感谢向上跳跃项目, 庞蒂亚克城, 庞蒂亚克承诺区, 大学预科部的工作人员和格温·托马斯为奥克兰县的年轻人提供了这个绝佳的机会.

庞蒂亚克高中 Girls Field Trip to Oakland County International Airport
庞蒂亚克高中 Girls Field Trip to Oakland County Airport
庞蒂亚克高中 Girls Field Trip to Oakland County Airport

The 2022 OBAP Fall Meet and Greet Event

On a sunny morning of November 8, 2022, 一群来自庞蒂亚克高中的11名年轻女孩加入了沃特福德市奥克兰县航空机场的大学预科项目(PCP)工作人员, 密歇根. The airline crew welcomed our group with a big smile. 女孩们见到了机组人员, listened to their life testimonies, career experiences and bright thoughts throughout the presentations. The speakers were open to answer any question, 接受任何评论,他们给女孩们留下了独特的印象和巨大的希望. 对所有人来说,这是不平凡的一天,也是富有成效的一天,最后大家一起共进午餐.     

特蕾莎修女的. Rodges, 韦德体育app官网社区服务和大学预科项目高级主管, 她对这个团体和机组人员表示欢迎,她特别关注为这些年轻女孩开辟的光明之路,该计划通过庞蒂亚克承诺区奖学金计划为她们每个人提供经济支持. Ms. Rodges spent the whole morning listening and talking with the airport’s employees. She was amazed by the young presenters who highlighted their different backgrounds, 他们是如何变得如此成功的, 以及他们对未来的期望.


African American Airline Pilot Justin Watson 联合航空公司, born and raised in the city of Detroit, shared his dream to be a pilot since his first flight trip with his mother, 当他上六年级的时候. 他解释了他的职业生涯是如何一步一步地发展起来的, working hard and loving what he was doing. 沃森机长解释了他作为飞行员的一天,他还展示了IPad上的一些地图和他从飞机上看到的天空. He guided the group to the maintenance department too. 他说,非洲裔美国女飞行员短缺,该领域的招聘正在进行中. 他告诉大家, 作为一名飞行员, you can make a salary exceeding 6 figures, 你的工作能得到报酬吗, 你的飞行和睡眠也一样.”

另一位性格美丽的年轻女士也出席了会议,她也分享了她的人生见证, Ms. Vernecelyn Allen, assistant flight instructor who teaches at Southern Illinois University (SIU). Ms. Allen, age 24, made her way to reach her goal and work at the flight field. 她分享了有关公司提供的免费程序的信息,并在小组中分享了“规则和指南”.

Captain Theresa Whiting, an airline pilot stepped in during her vacation to welcome everyone at the airport. 她鼓励女孩们向前看,规划未来,接受挑战. She also shared a photo of another Theresa “Theresa Caliborn,,并解释了她如何克服困难,成为第一位非裔美国人波音787机长.

会议期间,一位年轻的绅士走进房间,面带微笑地介绍了自己, Mr. Zac Saez, 20-year-old flight instructor CFI/CFII/MEI. Mr. Saez told the girls about his past, the way he used to live as a homeless man, and during the Senior high school year, he was interested in changing his living style to be something different. His testimony resonated with many of the girls in attendance.

The day ended with Captain Watson requesting that each student ask a question, 他亲自回答了.

特蕾莎修女Rodges encouraged the girls to do their very best in school and to pursue their dreams, “When students are given opportunities to explore 职业生涯, 比如航空, 很小的时候, it drives their sense of purpose, 他们变得更加投入. 通过庞蒂亚克承诺区奖学金和韦德体育app官网的学术奖学金,成功的经济障碍已经解除. 我喜欢为一所致力于学生的高等教育和成功的大学工作. 今天参加活动的许多庞蒂亚克学生都表现出他们在高中毕业后取得成功的愿望,并在不久的将来进入韦德体育app官网,罗杰斯说。.

Ms. 罗奇斯感谢了华生船长, the staff at Crosswinds Aviation, 预科项目 (PCP) staff, and our community partners from Citadel Perpetual Learning, for their participation in the event, 以及在庞蒂亚克高中与开放大学的PCP GEAR-UP项目合作举办的女孩赋权项目.

庞蒂亚克高中 Students participate in Divine 9 Workshop
庞蒂亚克高中 Students participate in Divine 9 Workshop
庞蒂亚克高中 Students participate in Divine 9 Workshop

The Divine 9 at 韦德体育app官网 has been a staple at the University for years, and continues to promote a vibrant Fraternity and Sorority Life (目前) on campus and throughout the community. 每个组织或分会都有自己独特的价值观、理想、慈善事业、仪式等等. 韦德体育app官网 students have the opportunity to join the (目前) 在他们的本科生涯的任何时候,社区,并建立牢固的纽带,将持续一生.

Mr. 马利克·威廉姆斯, the President of the Divine 9 along with Mr. Peter Durham, program coordinator of 预科项目 at 韦德体育app官网 in association with GEARUP grant, partnered up to reach out to the community on multiple levels. The initial pathway for the Divine 9 to impact the community started on October 25, 2022年在庞蒂亚克高中. 在这次活动中,兄弟会和姐妹会生活(目前)有机会向庞蒂亚克高中的80名初中生和高年级学生介绍每个单独的章节.  工作坊期间, 神圣9号的任务不仅是介绍兄弟会和姐妹会的目标, 价值观和理想, 还有它的生活原则,以及他们一生的联系对韦德体育app官网毕业生的重要性.

周边社区的多样性和包容性一直是韦德体育app官网外展和教育的支柱. The Pre and Post surveys given during the D9 presentation proved that observation, 接触和理解将影响未来几代人追求更高层次教育兴趣的心态. 

The data revealed that before entering the D9 车间, about 74% of students who attended the 车间, they did not know anything about the Divine 9, and after attending the 车间, 只有不到10%的学生说他们对D9一无所知. 工作坊演讲结束后, 大约82%的出席者能够说出《韦德体育官方网站》中的一章,61%. 除此之外, 大约51%的学生表示他们会加入神的9章,24%的学生表示会很快加入.

这一数据本身就证明了这一点, 作为一所大学,我们就越能向我们的社区介绍我们校园内的不同项目, we will peak the interest of our desired audience.  

在研讨会结束时, Mr. 威廉姆斯 assured the students that, “We are here for you.”