

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4454
(248) 370-4455
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4454
(248) 370-4455
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.




To inspire and prepare pre-college students for post-secondary educational opportunities. 这一使命是通过提供学术信息来完成的, 社会, career and cultural enrichment programs and activities to student participants and their families.


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而一些社区看起来很棒, 其他人被雪覆盖着, and people are trying to get it out of the way quick before it gets too cold.

With mounds of snow and icy roads, schools don't want to risk their students coming to class.

The 13th annual 克林顿河水节 felt the blow of severe weather as Metro Detroit experienced a large number of snowstorms this past winter.

Trying to clear it or also trying to figure out whether or not kids should be in school tomorrow.

因为冬天的天气, 整个底特律地铁的学校已经没有雪天了, 这可能会改变你孩子的日历.

由于许多学校关闭, more than 250 fifth grade students in the Clinton River Watershed School District were unable to attend the festival this year. 据底特律自由报的凯瑟琳·格雷报道, the 2018-2019 school year proved to be a brutal reminder that Michigan's winters are unpredictable. 然而, 5月19日, 2019, over 850 students came to this extraordinary festival and experienced an array of indoor and outdoor presentations that taught the importance of 水 and the impact it has on our environment, 补充五年级学校的科学课程.



从这里的水里抽取, 如果有什么东西进入了水进入了地下污染了水, 然后你就会有一些物质进入你的饮料中.

This is [inaudible] of the skull is they are like us and that they have enamel on their teeth which will [inaudible]


有人能猜到吗? 你怎么知道雄性[听不清] ?

We're learning about the Clinton River and then how to keep the 水 clean and everything and how it affects the animals. If there's pollution in the 水, different chemicals, just how that can deform the animal?


We've been learning about how the plant help the soil and how everything runs off. We have a very big supply of 水 and we need to take care of it or else it won't be as great because we won't be able to drink it without having a bunch of chemicals.

救生衣,好名字,因为它的作用就是救生衣. 他照做了,然后发生了什么? 他往这边走,救生衣往这边走.

我们正在学习土壤, 鸟, 蠕虫, 错误, 树, 电, 这就是我们今天要做的.

For many of the teachers, they have experienced the festival multiple times. 根据他们的调查结果, the 克林顿河水节 has and is bringing valuable information about 水 and the environment to their students.

We've been coming here for the last four years and it's a really great way for them to make connections with what they're learning about science at school, 面对现实世界的挑战.

We came last year for the first time and I felt like it was a really excellent opportunity for the kids to do learning outside of the classroom. 有几种不同的方式将它与我们的课程联系起来.

So I have been coming here the last couple of years and pretty much it was an extension from what we've talked about in class, 而且更需要动手操作. They actually get to see and take a look and get a different point of view for what I've been telling them in class.

The festival continues to celebrate the dedicated work of the fifth graders that express their excitement and concerns by participating in the annual poster contest. 今年, the five posters selected were outstanding as ever and brought to light the student's perspectives on the importance of this resource.

I've put five ways to save 水 because I believe that saving 水 is important.

嗯,你可以通过很多事情来节约用水,防止污染. Like picking up after your dog can save 水 by turning off the 水 while you are actually brushing, 你可以洗更短的淋浴. 当你用完水后,你可以把它倒在植物里来拯救它们.

好吧, you can take shorter showers and try not to flush the toilet if not needed, 确保你的垃圾放到该放的地方.




Helping to make the festival successful year after year is the committed and dedicated efforts of the professionals that share their expertise and knowledge of the importance of our most valuable resource, 水.

我来这里已经8年了,我真的很喜欢来这里. 我可以和一些很棒的五年级学生交流. 我们的目标是希望孩子们对湿地有更多的了解, 他们每天看到的湿地, and maybe look at them as a little more special and maybe something that they should care about.

基本上, we're teaching them about the ground水 model and the 水 cycle and how everything is interconnected. Everything that they essentially can have a potential of doing on the ground affects everything else and affects other people.

我们说的是密歇根湖鲟鱼. So we are going to be doing a game that represents the life cycle of a lake surgeon from all the way from the egg until the adult stage. 我来自底特律,所以我在这个城市长大.

There's lots of different things that you don't really encounter when you live in the city, 很多建筑, 大量的混凝土. You'll really get a chance to understand how much 水 is in Michigan, and why it's super important. So coming to places like this might be a kid's first experience in understanding why we have all this 水, 以及为什么它很重要, 以及为什么我们需要保护它.

Any chance I have to get to talk to kids at that age to maybe hook them back in, and maybe get them thinking science would be cool or some nature career or something.

If you can start them off at an early age and continue having them think about things that would affect them on a day-to-day basis, 他们的行为会影响到其他人吗, 它有很长的路要走. The planning committee would like to thank the students and teachers that attended the 克林顿河水节 at 韦德体育app官网.

另外, thanks are due to the remarkable time and efforts of all the people behind the scenes who are tirelessly year after year to make this 韦德体育app官网 event a great success.